Exchanges & Returns


We offer hassle free exchange on our website. We arrange for the pickup of your order and delivery of the exchanged product. If you wish to exchange the product in any case, you may do so within 7 days of receipt of the product.

Kindly note that the product should be unused and in the original condition. You will be provided with your exchange order after a thorough check of the product once we receive them in our warehouse.

We do not offer return or refund of the product purchased from our website or through our Instagram account.

To exchange your order, please contact us with your order ID on:
    • Whatsapp: +91 8130773532
    • Email:
    • Instagram DM: thepeirestore

Please note that a fee of ₹200 applies on all exchange orders to a value of INR 7000, including the charges for reverse pickups and new delivery. For orders of value above INR 7000, ₹350 applies for the same. 

NOTE: Article(s) bought from our sale section/ during the sale period are not eligible for return or exchange.
Cancellation Policy:
  1. We do not allow order cancellation once the order is confirmed with us.
  2. If you have placed an order for the wrong style/size and want to replace it with the correct order, kindly contact customer care via phone or WhatsApp at +91 8130773532.